5 Principles That Pensacola Home Owners Will Want To Follow

As Pensacola home sellers, it can be difficult to go through a home sale without having a misstep 
and breaking some principles. It is understandable that when selling a house any homeowner 
can get emotional about the process.

At the end of the day, a Pensacola house sale is a business transaction and the best thing home sellers can do is control their feelings.  While it is easier said than done, home sellers who want their sale to go smoothly must avoid breaking these five “principles” while selling their house.

Listen to your Agent

If you’re working with a professional real estate agent, the worst thing you can do is hire a pro and then ignore them.  Agents know what buyers are looking for. They have seen a lot of homes that are for sale in the Pensacola area. They know what works in a house, what problems are going to stop a sale from going through, and their advice should not be taken lightly.

Remember: the agent is not insulting the home if they request a change, they are simply trying to help get it ready to sell.

An Offer Is Just An Offer

The price that a Pensacola home buyer offers when starting negotiations does not have any malice behind it.  Buyers do not set out to make home sellers angry.

If an offer seems too low, make a counteroffer and try to control any anger that rises.  This is the start of negotiations and is necessary to sell the house.

It Isn’t A Waiting Game

A Pensacola home seller who is negotiating with a home buyer is going to eagerly await their offer or counteroffer.  This is the same of the buyer when waiting for a homeowner to make a counteroffer, accept, or deny an offer. Do not keep buyers waiting to build anticipation.  Everyone is working with their own time table and prolonging the experience too much can mean a loss of a sale.

The Buyer’s Inspector

Something that is tempting for any seller is to be in the home when the buyer’s inspector comes through.  Pensacola home sellers have the urge to defend their home against what the inspector is saying. This will not stop any problems from being uncovered and will only lead to tension between the seller, the inspector, the agents involved, and the buyer.  Let the professionals do their job and review the report after.

Listen to Requests

Few houses are going to come out of an inspection without a long list of items to repair.  Pensacola home sellers should expect a buyer to request multiple repairs to be performed or even ask for a discounted price so they are able to complete the repairs themselves.  As a result, sellers should be willing to negotiate price or perform some repairs. Otherwise, the house is not likely to sell.

No Pensacola house is in perfect condition and a buyer is going to want to get the necessary repairs by any means necessary. Often times, a lender or insurance company is requiring repairs to be done.

Sellers must prepare themselves for success. Responding too aggressively to offers and requests from buyers can be a huge problem during negotiations.  Every home sale will take some negotiating. Going into negotiations with a positive outlook is best for a pleasant outcome.

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